Event day Susi+Ueli Berger

01:00 pm to 07:00 pm
On the occa­sion of the book pub­li­ca­tion of “Susi+Ueli Berger. Kunst am Bau und im öffentlichen Raum” (Schei­deg­ger & Spiess), we are pleased to invite you to Kun­sthaus Lan­gen­thal for the a the­matic day: 

1.15 pm
Visit to works by the Berg­ers at créa­tion bau­mann with the former client and direc­tor Jörg Baumann
Meet­ing Point: Bern-Zürich-Strasse 23, 4900 Lan­gen­thal (Train Stop “Lan­gen­thal Gaswerk”)

2 pm
Return to the Kunsthaus

2.30 pm
Short guided tour with Simon Stalder (long-time col­lab­o­ra­tor of the Berg­ers) and the cura­tors of the exhi­bi­tion, Mirjam Fis­cher, Anna Nieder­häuser and Raf­fael Dörig.

3.30 pm
Book launch

3.45–4.30 pm
Talk with Lang/Baumann and Annina Zimmermann

4.45–5.30 pm
Talk with Mar­i­anne Burki and Konrad