Can­tonale Berne Jura


The annual show of art from the can­tons of Bern and Jura in the insti­tu­tions of the two can­tons presents a wealth of artis­tic posi­tions. Around thirty artists are rep­re­sented at the Kun­sthaus Lan­gen­thal — with draw­ings, paint­ings, objects, videos and instal­la­tions, with pixel research and inter­net folk­lore, goats and croc­o­diles, tubers and stones, forests and clouds.


With Stéphanie Baech­ler, Istvan Balogh, Reto Bärtschi, Michael Gian­freda (bataais), Nino Baum­gart­ner, Olivia Brantschen, Nils Braun, Daniela Brug­ger, Rhoda Davids Abel, Marco Eberle, Clau­dia Grimm, Max Hari, Christoph Hauri, Chris­tine Hurst, Jeanne Jacob, Brigitte Jost, Diego Kohli, Aarabi Kuga­balan, Selina Lutz, Laura Mietrup, Teo Petruzzi, Fiona Raf­ferty, Dan Reusser, Nina Rieben, Olivier Rossel, Guadalupe Ruiz, Karo­line Schreiber, Celia & Nathalie Sidler, Lea Vetter, Noah Ismael Wyss

10:00 am
–12:00 pm
06:00 pm
–09:00 pm
04:00 pm
–05:00 pm
12:00 pm
–12:30 pm