Cathy Jose­fowitz.

The Think­ing Body

Inka ter Haar.



Cathy Jose­fowitz. The Think­ing Body
The Think­ing Body, so far the largest exhi­bi­tion of the work of Cathy Jose­fowitz (1956–2014), show­cases the entire range of her artis­tic output, in which paint­ings and draw­ings enter into a dia­logue with chore­og­ra­phy. The body – in motion and in rela­tion to other bodies – con­sti­tutes the core of her work. While Josefowitz’s exten­sive oeuvre was rarely exhib­ited during her life­time, the cos­mopoli­tan Swiss artist’s oeuvre now can be re-thought in the con­text of cur­rent dis­courses on fig­u­ra­tion, gender, the body, and identity.
Ini­ti­ated by the Kun­sthaus Lan­gen­thal and cura­tor Elise Lammer, the exhi­bi­tion was devel­oped as a joint project in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Centre cul­turel suisse in Paris and the MACRO Roma and will be on show in each of these insti­tu­tions suc­ces­sively between August 2021 and spring 2022. The exhi­bi­tion is sup­ported by the soci­ety Les Amis de Cathy Jose­fowitz, Arsenic, Centre d’art scénique con­tem­po­rain, Lau­sanne and La Becque | Rési­dence d’artistes, La Tour-de-Peilz.

Inka ter Haar. LOVE
Inka ter Haar (*1980) presents a new series of works in her first major solo exhi­bi­tion at the Kun­sthaus Lan­gen­thal. In her work, she explores abstract paint­ing, color as matter, as well as ele­men­tary human expe­ri­ences, such as iden­tity, love, iso­la­tion, lust, and vio­lence. Her large-scale paint­ings exhibit a recur­ring vocab­u­lary of sym­bol­i­cally charged ele­ments: spaces of glow­ing color are min­i­mally fur­nished; frag­mented and reduced motives con­jure nar­ra­tive sce­nar­ios. The dif­fer­ent parts appear to con­sti­tute var­i­ous con­stel­la­tions as much as they col­lide and vio­lently drift apart.

The exhi­bi­tion is gen­er­ously sup­ported by:
Jaberg Stiftung
Basel-Stadt Kultur

Cathy Josefowitz, Ohne Titel, 1974, Gouache auf Papier, 69 x 95.5 cm, Courtesy of Collection Pierre Sebaste Josefowitz
10:00 am
–12:00 pm
05:30 pm
06:00 pm
01:30 pm
–04:00 pm


Inka ter Haar. LOVE

Die Pub­lika­tion erscheint zur gle­ich­nami­gen Ausstel­lung im Kun­sthaus Lan­gen­thal vom 26. August – 14. Novem­ber 2021.
Mit zahlre­ichen far­bigen Werk­ab­bil­dun­gen und schwarz-weis­sen Ausstel­lungsan­sichten sowie Texten von Raf­fael Dörig, Eva-Maria Knüsel und Ingo Niermann.

52 Seiten, 18 x 24 cm
© 2021 Kun­sthaus Lan­gen­thal, Inka ter Haar und Ingo Niermann
ISBN 978–3‑906948–21‑8

CHF 18.- + Versandkosten