Cheese and Coal 3x3 con­tem­po­rary approaches

A pho­tog­ra­pher from Gondis­wil, Johann Schär (1855–1938)


Stately farms, beau­ti­ful cows, proud cheese makers, young­sters and cheer­ful women pick­ing berries in the forest – Johann Schär’s pho­to­graphic doc­u­men­ta­tion of a sedate rural life at the begin­ning of the 20th Cen­tury has no com­par­i­son in its den­sity and qual­ity in Switzer­land. The doc­u­men­ta­tion of the coal sur­face-mining in and around Gondis­wil is unique and gives an impres­sive tes­ti­mo­nial of this rare activ­ity of mining in Switzerland.

For the first time, Kun­sthaus Lan­gen­thal presents an overview of Johann Schärs’s (1855–1938) work. Over 4000 glas-neg­a­tives, his­toric prints, album and post­cards were secured, researched and dig­i­tal­ized by Foto­büro Bern.

The exhi­bi­tion was curated by Markus Schürpf (Foto­büro Bern) and will be accom­pa­nied by an exten­sive cat­a­logue that will be pub­lished on 18 March 2017.

3 x 3 con­tem­po­rary approaches.
David Elsener, Nico­las Fer­nan­dez, Matthias Gabi, Nina Haab, Urs Mannhart, Céline Manz, Vale­rio Moser, Nele Stecher, Maria Ursprung

Under the title «3x3» the Kun­sthaus invited nine artists and writ­ers to approach the pho­tographs by Johann Schär from a con­tem­po­rary per­spec­tive and react to them with a new work.

The exhi­bi­tions are gen­er­ously sup­ported by:
Gemeinde Gondis­wil
Gemeinde Rei­siswil
Gemeinde Melch­nau
Gemeinde Ufhusen
Stiftung Lanz-Kohler, Roggwil
Hans Peter Wehrli, Gondiswil
Stiftung Jaberg Langenthal
Ursula Wirz Stiftung
Volkart Stiftung
Sophie und Karl Bind­ing Stiftung
GVB – Gebäude­ver­sicherung Bern
Fon­da­tion Johanna Dürmüller-Bol
Berner Heimatschutz

Johann Schär, zwei Knaben und ein Mädchen in identischer Kleidung, um 1930
05:30 pm
06:00 pm
10:00 am
–12:00 pm
11:00 am


Johann Schär. Dorffotograf, Gondiswil 1855–1938

Markus Schürpf

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173 pages, German
Limmat Verlag, 2017