Chloé Delarue.


Beat Jost

Dinge, Häuser, Menschen


In her largest solo exhi­bi­tion to date, Chloé Delarue (*1986, lives in Geneva) com­bines latex casts, cables, indus­trial rods, dis­sected TV screens and other undead ele­ments of the dig­i­tal age into an all-encom­pass­ing instal­la­tion that sprawls across the entire first floor of the Kun­sthaus in the form of an organic, tech­no­log­i­cal growth. In it she presents visions of the future that already seem to be in a state of decay. The work is based on many years of research on the impact of tech­no­log­i­cal devel­op­ments on the mind and body, and arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence and biotech­nol­ogy, as well as recent stud­ies into a Chi­nese ghost town and neo-feu­dal­ist ide­olo­gies in Sil­i­con Valley.

In a con­cur­rent exhi­bi­tion, Kun­sthaus Lan­gen­thal will present its first show­case of work by the Bernese pho­tog­ra­pher Beat Jost (*1936), fea­tur­ing images cre­ated at his «Studio for com­mer­cial pho­tog­ra­phy» between the 1960s and the 1990s. Ret­ro­spec­tively, Jost wants his work to be under­stood as a «rep­utable hand­i­craft», which nev­er­the­less allows his pho­tographs to spon­ta­neously develop a some­times sober, some­times cap­ti­vat­ing and con­tin­u­ing beauty – one that spans from daily life at the time to the present day. In the depicted prod­ucts of Swiss indus­trial com­pa­nies, archi­tects and design­ers, Jost’s images also con­tain an inher­ent beauty of pre­ci­sion: from Vidmar filing cab­i­nets to Pier­rot ice creams, from Authier ski­wear to knitwear and bank branches; these objects are in a state of per­ma­nent new­ness and herald a future to come – one which for us has already passed into history.

A coop­er­a­tion with Foto­büro Bern, curated by Markus Schürpf and Raf­fael Dörig. A pub­li­ca­tion will accom­pany the exhibition.

The exhi­bi­tions are gen­er­ously sup­ported by:




Landis & Gyr Stiftung

Guggen­heim Stiftung

Beat Jost, Vanillepudding, 1994. © Beat Jost
11:00 am
–12:00 pm
12:00 pm
–12:30 pm
11:00 am
–12:00 pm
11:00 am


Beat Jost. Dinge, Häuser, Menschen – Beat Josts Atelier für Werbefotografie 1962-2002

Pub­lished on the occas­sion of the exhi­bi­tion at Kun­sthaus Lan­gen­thal from 07 Feb­ru­ary — 07 April 2019
With numer­ous images as well as texts by Raf­fael Dörig, Marc Herren and Markus Schürpf.

80 pages, 297 x 232 mm
© 2019 Kun­sthaus Lan­gen­thal, Foto­büro Bern, Beat Jost
ISBN: 978–3‑906948–01‑0

CHF 25.- + ship­ping costs