Latefa Wiersch
Original Features
The Kunsthaus Langenthal presents the first institutional solo exhibition of the work of Latefa Wiersch (*1982 in Dortmund, Germany, lives and works in Zurich). Her work is populated by liminal beings that combine elements of human and animal, plant, object, and machine, and that pupate and transform. Drawing on observations of everyday life and a provocative sense of humor, these figures tell stories about social realities and the life of the artist. Against the background of current discourses on identity, Latefa Wiersch confronts the gaps in her own history. The centerpiece of the exhibition is a performance with the Dandara Modesto and Rhoda Davids Abel.
Curated by Raffael Dörig and Eva-Maria Knüsel.
The exhibition is generously supported by:
Kanton Zürich, Fachstelle Kultur
Stiftung Temperatio
Ernst und Olga Gubler-Hablützel Stiftung
Dr. Georg und Josi Guggenheim-Stiftung
Latefa Wiersch, Optimism is a Superpower, 2022. Courtesy of the artist
Latefa Wiersch. artpop_insta
Since 2018, Latefa Wiersch has been providing intimate insights into the life of a young artist on her Instagram account @artpop_insta: posts from the studio, from parties or openings show her analysis of collective artistic processes, the mechanisms of the art business, and her role as a female PoC in it. The clou‒the protagonist as well as her circle of friends are roughly sewn dolls that are staged for the photographs with great attention to detail; with ever new outfits and hairstyles, attuned to current trends and pop cultural references.
With this fictitious account, Latefa Wiersch raises questions about the overlapping of the public and the private which is taken for granted in the art scene and for which social media are both stage and catalyst. The vicarious figures and their experiences with racism, sexism, class, tokenism, and the moral conflicts that come along are artistic means for Wiersch to reflect on social changes against the background of a postcolonial present, especially in the art world.
The publication documents Latefa Wiersch’s long-term project @artpop_insta in a selection of image and text contributions and is published on the occasion of Latefa Wiersch’s solo exhibition “Original Features” at Kunsthaus Langenthal.
Ring binding, 130 pages
12.5 x 12.5 cm
Language: English
ISBN 978–3‑906282–28‑2
CHF 12.– + shipping costs