Matthias Gabi. Repro

Philipp Schwalb. See­len­gangdärung (6+2+1+0+∞)


The work of Math­ias Gabi (*1981 in Bern, lives in Zürich) is char­ac­terised by a detailed con­sid­er­a­tion of the pho­to­graphic image, reflect­ing on the con­di­tions of image pro­duc­tion, dis­sem­i­na­tion and knowl­edge trans­fer. This takes in the begin­nings of pho­to­graphic repro­duc­tion, the heyday of the pho­to­book and the illus­trated mag­a­zine, and the present day, when the printed object – delib­er­ately or unin­ten­tion­ally – is always defined as an antithe­sis to the dig­i­tal. Kun­sthaus Lan­gen­thal will be host­ing Gabi’s largest solo exhi­bi­tion to date and, together with Jungle Books pub­lish­ing house, pre­sent­ing an artist’s book, which con­sists of an as yet unseen series of hun­dreds of note-like iPhone photos of adver­tis­ing in the public realm. 

Philipp Schwalb’s (*1984 in Filderstadt/Germany, lives in Geneve) paint­ing, or «philo­soph­i­cal painterly system» (Schwalb), draws on an engage­ment with theory and his­tory, as well as the foun­da­tions of paint­ing itself – colour, form, rep­re­sen­ta­tion, (de)materialisation. The sys­tem­a­ti­sa­tion, as well as change­abil­ity and ambi­gu­ity of his works are vis­i­ble as sit­u­a­tional effects on site, but also in the titles, making explicit ref­er­ences on the one hand but mod­i­fy­ing them in a lin­guis­tic game on the other, thus bestow­ing the mate­r­ial a life of its own. Besides paint­ing, Schwalb’s new series of works for his first insti­tu­tional solo-show in Switzer­land con­sists of sound pieces – made in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the musi­cian Rajko Müller – as well as his first online work.

The exhi­bi­tions are gen­er­ously sup­ported by:

Ernst Göhner Stiftung

Kanton Zürich Fach­stelle Kultur

Ernst & Olga Gubler Hablützel Stiftung

Stiftung Edith Maryon

Volkart Stiftung

HMSL Stiftung

Stiftung Erna und Curt Burgauer


Matthias Gabi, Repro (Colors 1994), 2018, Pigment Inkjet Print, gerahmt, 72 x 102 cm, Courtesy of the Artist
05:30 pm
–06:30 pm
06:00 pm
10:00 am
–12:00 pm
12:00 pm
–12:30 pm


I Am Flowers. I Am Animals. Karin Borer, Aurelio Kopainig, Maya Minder, Silvia Studerus

Col­lected volume of con­ver­sa­tions, instruc­tion man­u­als and exhi­bi­tion views.
Con­sists of cover and 4 book­lets, each 32 pages, German/English, 210 x 150 mm, Kun­sthaus Lan­gen­thal 2018

Book­let collection:
CHF 25 + ship­ping costs

single issue:
each CHF 9 + ship­ping costs
Karin Borer Band 1/4 ISBN 978–3‑905817–94‑2
Maya Minder Volume 2/4 ISBN 978–3‑905817–95‑9
Aure­lio Kopainig Band 3/4 ISBN 978–3‑905817–96‑6
Silvia Studerus Band 4/4 ISBN 978–3‑905817–97‑3