Ober­aar­gauer Kunstmonat


During the Ober­aar­gau Art Month, exhi­bi­tion venues for visual art in the Ober­aar­gau region work together to show works by pro­fes­sional con­tem­po­rary artists from the region. Over 30 artists from the region will be on dis­play at the Kun­sthaus Lan­gen­thal, rep­re­sent­ing the diver­sity of con­tem­po­rary art in the Oberaargau.

Other exhi­bi­tion venues during the art month: CRMI (Chrämer­huus), Lan­gen­thal; Bib­lio­thek Her­zo­gen­buch­see; Galerie 63, Melch­nau; Kultur im Stöckli, Lan­gen­thal; Kul­tur­spy­cher, Rog­g­wil; Kun­straum Wangen a.A.; Museum Attiswil; Räber­stöckli, Nieder­bipp; Alte Giesserei, Riedtwil; Stiftung­shaus Eggen­schwiler, Eriswil.

Ini­ti­ated by the Ober­aar­gau Region Asso­ci­a­tion, Cul­ture and Iden­tity Commission.


With Heinz Alle­mann, Eriswil; Fred Bau­mann, Rohrbach­graben; Hubert Bienek, Lan­gen­thal; Carlo Borer, Ober­bipp; Adri­ana Bravo, Thun­stet­ten; Christof Cartier, Graben; Duo JoJo (Angela Ehrsam, Milena Lahoda), Lan­gen­thal; Jonas Etter, Langenthal/Zürich; Felix Fehlmann, Aar­wan­gen; Matthias Gabi, Niederbipp/Zürich; Simone Gilles Nyf­feler, Langenthal/Zürich; Samira Gollin & Aarabi Kuga­balan, Roggwil/Bern; Christoph Hauri, Lan­gen­thal; Haus am Gern, Rog­g­wil-Wynau/­Biel/­Bi­enne; Urs Hug, Bützberg; Chris­tine Hurst, Lan­gen­thal; Samira Ingold, Inkwil; Bar­bara Jäggi, Melch­nau; Brigitte Jost, Lan­gen­thal; Willy Jost, Buss­wil; Mar­celle Lehmann Ernst, Lan­gen­thal; Hanspeter Kamm, Eriswil; Nico Kurzen, Lan­gen­thal; Cora Maurer, Lan­gen­thal; Klaus Neu­mann, Hut­twil; Franziska Nyfeler, Lan­gen­thal; Menel Rachdi, Auswil; Ahmad Al Rayyan, St.Gallen; Elis­a­beth Schmidi­ger, Aar­wan­gen; Heiko Schütz, Niederönz; Regula Stet­tler, Lan­gen­thal; Chris­tine Streuli, Langenthal/Berlin; Ewald Tra­ch­sel, Dür­ren­roth and Joss Uhlmann, Herzogenbuchsee

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