Your visit

Sit­u­a­tion & Address

Kun­sthaus Langenthal
Mark­t­gasse 13
CH-4900 Langenthal

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Get­ting there & Park­ing Spaces

Bus to «Lan­gen­thal, Tell/Kantonalbank»
or a ten min­utes walk from Lan­gen­thal station.

The near­est park­ing spaces:
Park­ing space at Stadttheater


Ruedi Bechtler, Leuchter, 2022, Installationsansicht Kunsthaus Langenthal, 2022, Foto: CE, Courtesy of the artist

Open­ing hours

Wednesday–Friday 14–17 h
Sat­ur­day and Sunday 10–17 h

Spe­cial open­ing hours on request.

Public hol­i­days

26 Mai Ascen­cion Day (Thurs­day) open 14.00 – 17.00 h
04 – 06 June Pen­te­cost 10–17 h
01 August closed
24 — 26 Decem­ber closed
31 Decem­ber 10–14 h
01 Jan­u­ary 10–14 h
02 Jan­u­ary closed
03 Jan­u­ary closed

Maëlle Gross, HotHeads, 2020, Ausstellungsansicht Kunsthaus Langenthal, Foto: CE

Admis­sion & Reduction

Admis­sion per person: CHF 8.00
AHV/IV, mem­bers of other art soci­eties: CHF 5.00
Group rate for groups of 10 per­sons and more: CHF 5.00

Lit­er­ary tours: For alle guests CHF 6.00 addi­tional to admission

Free Admis­sion:

  • Kunst über Mittag
  • Chil­dren, school­child­ren up to the age of 16 years
  • Stu­dents and apprentices
  • Mem­bers Kun­stvere­ins Oberaargau
  • Mem­bers of part­ner institutions
  • Mem­bers Schweiz­erischen Werk­bun­des SWB
  • Per­sons accom­pa­ny­ing hand­i­capped people
  • artists Visarte/Unesco/SGBK
  • Teach­ers LBG, LEBE, school teach­ers of schools in
  • Ober­aar­gau
  • IKT (Icom)
  • Schweizer Muse­umspass
  • Raif­feisen card
  • Presse pass

adults reduced admis­sion: CHF 5.00
Kinder­club eight meet­ings a year: CHF 30.00 instead of CHF 65.00

Céline Manz, fold; Simulationisms, 2017–2019, Ausstellungsansicht Kunsthaus Langenthal, Foto: CE


Kun­sthaus Lan­gen­thal can be entered by a rear door on the back­side of the build­ing. There are basi­cally no park­ing spaces avail­able but a car could be parked at the back­side by arrange­ment with the loca­tion. The ele­va­tor reaches all exhi­bi­tion floors, except the semi-floor where the recep­tion is located. Acces­si­bil­ity is given. Toi­lets on the ground floor.
Weit­ere Informationen

Salon bleu
Salon bleu

Find space in Langenthal

Find space in Langenthal

For meet­ings, apero/drinks with your team. Two spaces with a view of the rooftops in the old town of Lan­gen­thal. Charm­ing ambi­ente in the build­ing of the year 1809.

Please con­tact us for your event

or 062 922 60 55.