The Kunsthaus

The Kun­sthaus Lan­gen­thal orga­nizes tem­po­rary exhi­bi­tions of con­tem­po­rary art. The main focus is on cur­rent Swiss art. The­matic group exhi­bi­tions reflect cur­rent ques­tions. The Kun­sthaus also reg­u­larly show­cases his­tor­i­cal pho­tog­ra­phy. Events and edu­ca­tional for­mats for vis­i­tors of all ages accom­pany the exhibitions.

The Kun­sthaus occu­pies the first and second floor of the her­itage site “Choufhüsi” in the heart of Lan­gen­thal. The strik­ing, late-baroque build­ing with the clock­tower was built accord­ing to the plans of Joseph Purtschert between 1790 and 1808. Until 1894 it served as a mer­chant build­ing, then as com­mu­nity hall until 1992. The Kun­sthaus is led by the Kun­stverein Ober­aar­gau, which ini­ti­ated the con­ver­sion of the “Choufhüsi” and has been run­ning the Kun­sthaus since 1992.

The Kun­sthaus is a member of the Schweiz­erischer Kun­stverein, Verein Schweizer Insti­tu­tio­nen zeit­genös­sis­cher Kunst, Ver­band der Museen Schweiz, Inter­na­tional Coun­cil of Muse­ums (ICOM) and Verein der Museen im Kanton Bern.


Our team

Raf­fael Dörig


Yvonne Eckert

Art edu­ca­tion

Brigitte Jost

Lead­ing exhi­bi­tion technician

Marius Quib­lier

Assis­tant curator

Lotti Vonäsch


Erwin Aktasli

Exhi­bi­tion technician

Rita Cap­pel­lucci, Dagmar Der­bort, Ruth Fis­cher, Clau­dine Hofer, Margrit Kohler, Mar­i­anne Marend­ing, Christina Met­tler, Ursula Schenker, Hedy Schnei­der, Frieda Solari, Heidi Stucki, Jana Waldek, Esther Wüest

Recep­tion team

Katia Masson-Gal­lucci (Präsi­dentin), Mar­tina Flury Witschi (Vizepräsi­dentin), Ste­fanie Barben (Kassierin), Mar­celle Lehmann, Ernst Matthias Frei, Mar­i­anne Ingold, Cora Maurer, Daniel Nyfeler

Board of the Art Asso­ci­a­tion Oberaargau