Art Education
The Kunsthaus Langenthal invites visitors to engage with the exhibitions in a variety of ways. The educational offers open up exciting approaches to art and current topics of the present and are addressed to children, school classes and adults.
One focus of the Kunsthaus is on digital education projects for school classes in workshops on topics such as programming, animated film or sound design.
On request we offer tailer-made offers for your event or you can rent the facilities of the Kunsthaus.
Schools and Groups
Introductory sessions for teachers
Each exhibition is accompanied by an introductory session for teachers that offers information about the exhibition as well as suggestions for class visits.
Dates: Tuesday before each exhibition opening, 17:30–18:30.
Entrance: free
In the group workshop, we provide an age-appropriate and interactive experience of the current exhibition. In the practical segment, participants engage hands-on and delve into a creative endeavor. The exhibitions often address contemporary topics, making them suitable as interdisciplinary extracurricular learning spaces. In this context, we align with the competency objectives of Curriculum 21 through encounters with original artworks (BG 3.A.1).
Duration: 1 ½ – 3 hours
Cost: CHF 150.– / 1 ½ hours
CHF 190.– / 2 hours
CHF 280.– / 3 hours
max. 25 participants
Possible even during exhibition remodeling and outside opening hours.

Creative Workshop I:
With brush, scissors, glue
Whether with a brush, scissors, scratchboard, or modeling clay – aligned with the respective exhibition, participants of this workshop create a creative piece using traditional techniques and experience a sensory exploration of themes from the guided tour.
Age: Cycle 1 to adults
Creative Workshop II:
Video, Photography, Cartoon
Pressing the record button is easy. However, the goal of this workshop is to learn more about the techniques involved and to contemplate our media consumption. The outcome will relate to themes of the exhibition and can encompass audio, photography, video, and cartoons based on mutual agreement. Creating these original media contributions is an ideal integration of the Curriculum 21 Art and Design (2.C.1) with the competency goals of Media and Informatics (MI 1.3).
Age: 5th grade to adults.
Creative Workshop III:
We use computer programs every day, but what’s the principle behind them? The visual programming language Scratch provides an entry point and allows you to create interactive stories, animations, and games. Optionally, we expand the technique with the MakeyMakey board, which turns even bananas or stair steps into tactile interfaces. In this workshop, we connect exhibition themes with the curriculum’s demand for understanding and reproducing the underlying technologies and concepts of informatics (MI 2.2).
Age: 5th grade to adults.

Tours by curators
Individually tailored tours with the curator or assistant curator of the Kunsthaus offer thematic, art-historical, and subject-driven perspectives on current exhibitions.
Age: From 12 years old to adults
Interactive Guided Tour
During this exhibition walkthrough, everyone will engage in hands-on creative activities. Participants will approach the artworks in a playful manner using various materials.
Age: From 6 years old to adults.
Duration: 30 minutes – 1 hour
Kosten: CHF 75.– / 30 minutes
CHF 150.– / 1 hour
max. 25 participants
Children and Families
Kids club
The kids club meets in the Kunsthaus eight times a year. The children creatively engage with the exhibitions, go on excursions and visit artists in their studios. The end of the year is celebrated with an exhibition opening for children.
Dates: 8 sessions on Saturdays, 10:00 – 12:00
Age: 7–12 years
Cost: CHF 65.– per child/year
CHF 30.– with Kulturlegi (cultural pass)
Registration for Children’s Club
Children’s Club Dates for 2023
Art for the Little Ones
Toddlers explore art with all their senses. Age-appropriate experiences and creative activities with flexible arrival times accompanied by a caregiver.
Dates: 1 session per exhibition, each lasting up to 1½ hours
Age: 0–5 years
Cost: free
A birthday in the Kunsthaus makes for a special occasion for children to explore the works in an exhibition and to creatively express their impressions. Sirup, cake and a gift for the birthday boy or girl round out the afternoon.
Dates: by request
Length: 2 hours
Age group: 6–12, from 9 years old also without adult supervision
Cost: CHF 160.–
Summer Holiday Pass Langenthal
Offers for children are also included in the Summer Holiday Pass Langenthal.