Art Education

The Kun­sthaus Lan­gen­thal invites vis­i­tors to engage with the exhi­bi­tions in a vari­ety of ways. The edu­ca­tional offers open up excit­ing approaches to art and cur­rent topics of the present and are addressed to chil­dren, school classes and adults.

One focus of the Kun­sthaus is on dig­i­tal edu­ca­tion projects for school classes in work­shops on topics such as pro­gram­ming, ani­mated film or sound design.


On request we offer tailer-made offers for your event or you can rent the facil­i­ties of the Kunsthaus.

Schools and Groups

Intro­duc­tory ses­sions for teachers

Each exhi­bi­tion is accom­pa­nied by an intro­duc­tory ses­sion for teach­ers that offers infor­ma­tion about the exhi­bi­tion as well as sug­ges­tions for class visits.

Dates: Tues­day before each exhi­bi­tion open­ing, 17:30–18:30.

Entrance: free


In the group work­shop, we pro­vide an age-appro­pri­ate and inter­ac­tive expe­ri­ence of the cur­rent exhi­bi­tion. In the prac­ti­cal seg­ment, par­tic­i­pants engage hands-on and delve into a cre­ative endeavor. The exhi­bi­tions often address con­tem­po­rary topics, making them suit­able as inter­dis­ci­pli­nary extracur­ric­u­lar learn­ing spaces. In this con­text, we align with the com­pe­tency objec­tives of Cur­ricu­lum 21 through encoun­ters with orig­i­nal art­works (BG 3.A.1).

Dura­tion: 1 ½ – 3 hours
Cost: CHF 150.– / 1 ½ hours
CHF 190.– / 2 hours
CHF 280.– / 3 hours
max. 25 participants

Pos­si­ble even during exhi­bi­tion remod­el­ing and out­side open­ing hours.

Book­ings and fur­ther information:


Cre­ative Work­shop I:
With brush, scis­sors, glue

Whether with a brush, scis­sors, scratch­board, or mod­el­ing clay – aligned with the respec­tive exhi­bi­tion, par­tic­i­pants of this work­shop create a cre­ative piece using tra­di­tional tech­niques and expe­ri­ence a sen­sory explo­ration of themes from the guided tour.

Age: Cycle 1 to adults

Cre­ative Work­shop II:
Video, Pho­tog­ra­phy, Cartoon

Press­ing the record button is easy. How­ever, the goal of this work­shop is to learn more about the tech­niques involved and to con­tem­plate our media con­sump­tion. The out­come will relate to themes of the exhi­bi­tion and can encom­pass audio, pho­tog­ra­phy, video, and car­toons based on mutual agree­ment. Cre­at­ing these orig­i­nal media con­tri­bu­tions is an ideal inte­gra­tion of the Cur­ricu­lum 21 Art and Design (2.C.1) with the com­pe­tency goals of Media and Infor­mat­ics (MI 1.3).

Age: 5th grade to adults.

Cre­ative Work­shop III:

We use com­puter pro­grams every day, but what’s the prin­ci­ple behind them? The visual pro­gram­ming lan­guage Scratch pro­vides an entry point and allows you to create inter­ac­tive sto­ries, ani­ma­tions, and games. Option­ally, we expand the tech­nique with the Makey­Makey board, which turns even bananas or stair steps into tac­tile inter­faces. In this work­shop, we con­nect exhi­bi­tion themes with the curriculum’s demand for under­stand­ing and repro­duc­ing the under­ly­ing tech­nolo­gies and con­cepts of infor­mat­ics (MI 2.2).

Age: 5th grade to adults.


Tours by curators

Indi­vid­u­ally tai­lored tours with the cura­tor or assis­tant cura­tor of the Kun­sthaus offer the­matic, art-his­tor­i­cal, and sub­ject-driven per­spec­tives on cur­rent exhibitions.

Age: From 12 years old to adults

Inter­ac­tive Guided Tour

During this exhi­bi­tion walk­through, every­one will engage in hands-on cre­ative activ­i­ties. Par­tic­i­pants will approach the art­works in a play­ful manner using var­i­ous materials.

Age: From 6 years old to adults.

Dura­tion: 30 min­utes – 1 hour
Kosten: CHF 75.– / 30 minutes
CHF 150.– / 1 hour
max. 25 participants

Book­ing and fur­ther Information:

Chil­dren and Families

Kids club

The kids club meets in the Kun­sthaus eight times a year. The chil­dren cre­atively engage with the exhi­bi­tions, go on excur­sions and visit artists in their stu­dios. The end of the year is cel­e­brated with an exhi­bi­tion open­ing for children.

Dates: 8 ses­sions on Sat­ur­days, 10:00 – 12:00
Age: 7–12 years
Cost: CHF 65.– per child/year
CHF 30.– with Kul­turlegi (cul­tural pass)

Reg­is­tra­tion for Children’s Club
Children’s Club Dates for 2023

Art for the Little Ones

Tod­dlers explore art with all their senses. Age-appro­pri­ate expe­ri­ences and cre­ative activ­i­ties with flex­i­ble arrival times accom­pa­nied by a caregiver.

Dates: 1 ses­sion per exhi­bi­tion, each last­ing up to 1½ hours
Age: 0–5 years
Cost: free

For fur­ther infor­ma­tion and booking:


A birth­day in the Kun­sthaus makes for a spe­cial occa­sion for chil­dren to explore the works in an exhi­bi­tion and to cre­atively express their impres­sions. Sirup, cake and a gift for the birth­day boy or girl round out the afternoon.

Dates: by request
Length: 2 hours
Age group: 6–12, from 9 years old also with­out adult supervision
Cost: CHF 160.–

Summer Hol­i­day Pass Langenthal

Offers for chil­dren are also included in the Summer Hol­i­day Pass Langenthal.
