The Long Shadow of the Upward Arrow. Post Growth Prototypes


The upward arrow sym­bol­izes the nar­ra­tive of progress accord­ing to which eco­nomic growth and tech­no­log­i­cal advance­ments solve the eco­log­i­cal prob­lems these create. The exhi­bi­tion explores this way of think­ing as well as its lacu­nae, and it jux­ta­poses them with trans­for­ma­tive post-growth prac­tices and pro­to­types. The series of videos, instal­la­tions, objects, and texts – new chap­ters being added reg­u­larly – was devised by the inter­na­tional col­lec­tive DISNOVATION.ORG, who invited col­lab­o­ra­tors from var­i­ous fields of arts and sci­ences. The exhi­bi­tion marks the first com­pre­hen­sive exhi­bi­tion of this project  in the German-speak­ing world.

Exhi­bi­tion Text

Press Release

DISNOVATION.ORG [Maria Roszkowska, Nico­las Mai­gret, Baruch Got­tlieb] with Jerome Saint-Clair, Clé­mence Seurat, Julien Maudet, Nico­las Nova, Pauline Briand.


DISNOVATION.ORG, Life Support System, 2022 © R. Bauernhansl, Ars Electronica
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