Adam Cruces, Sinae Yoo. What a Silencer Sounds Like

Chris­t­ian Ratti. Ein­mis­chun­gen und Tauschereien aller Art


Does a silencer really sound like it does in a thriller? Why do dri­vers in movies always move the steer­ing wheel? Why were only tinned exotic fruit expe­ri­enced as authen­tic by Kore­ans in the past? Pro­duc­tive mis­in­ter­pre­ta­tion of sit­u­a­tions and things in pop cul­ture and cul­tural exchange is the depart­ing point for the artis­tic work of Sinae Yoo (*1985) and Adam Cruces (*1985). Both, the Korean and the Amer­i­can artist, now living in Switzer­land, have pro­duced large new work series with videos, instal­la­tions and ceram­ics for the exhi­bi­tion in Lan­gen­thal. Each in their way address the ques­tion how incon­gru­ent imag­i­na­tion and per­cep­tion are and how vir­tual and phys­i­cal real­i­ties can be connected.

Chris­t­ian Ratti.
Ein­mis­chun­gen und Tauschereien aller Art

The sci­ence of sewers (German: Dololo­gie), direc­tor of chim­neys, wildlife-archi­tec­ture, prom­e­nadol­ogy – these neol­o­gisms embody Chris­t­ian Ratti’s (*1974) long last­ing exam­i­na­tion with the Swiss cul­tural and nat­ural envi­ron­ment. In con­stant exchange with ama­teurs and spe­cial­ists he devel­ops projects on the verge of ecol­ogy, activism, urban­ism and indus­trial his­tory. The exhi­bi­tion in Lan­gen­thal gives an insight into his pre­vi­ous work. Addi­tion­ally, Ratti starts new inter­ven­tions both within and around the «Choufhüsi», the build­ing in which the Kun­sthaus is located. Ratti climbs to the Alpine swift nest­ing in the tower, mounts an instal­la­tion into the river Langete, places an object in the local goldsmith’s vit­rine and with the travel agency located in the same build­ing, he offers a trip to Carls­bad (CZ), where the «Lan­gen­thal porce­lain» is pro­duced today. Guided tours are an inher­ent part of Ratti’s praxis. Var­i­ous artists tours will take place within and around the Kunsthaus.

The exhi­bi­tions are gen­er­ously sup­ported by:
Bossert Forst AG, Altbüron
Stiftung Jaberg Langenthal
Ernst und Olga Gubler-Hablützel Stiftung
Kanton Zürich Fach­stelle Kultur
Stadt Zürich Kultur
Kul­tur­förderung Kanton Graubünden
Stiftung Brand

Christian Ratti, Blick aus Einflugsloch für Alpenseegler im Kunsthausturm Foto: Hanspeter Bühler und Christian Ratti, 2015
05:30 pm
07:00 pm
06:30 pm
06:30 pm


Christian Ratti. Das Pfeilkabinett

The cab­i­net of arrows was a cen­tral instal­la­tion in Chri­as­t­ian Ratti’s ret­ro­spec­tive “Ein­mis­chun­gen und Tauschereien aller Art” at Kun­sthaus Lan­gen­thal. The artist book is a elo­quent and well-illus­trated panorama with a focus on arrows and sim­i­lar objects.

67 pages, German
Kun­sthaus Lan­gen­thal, 2016

CHF 18.– + shipping