Can­tonale Berne Jura 2023


The annual show of art from the can­tons of Bern and Jura in the insti­tu­tions of the two can­tons presents a wealth of artis­tic positions.

With: Baum/Jakob, Kurt Bau­mann, Tashi Brauen, Fabi­ola Di Fulvio, Simon Fahrni, Matthias Gabi, Samira Gollin, Ernst Hanke, Simone Haug, Christoph Hauri, Chris­tine Hurst, Samira Ingold, Bar­bara Jäggi, Sapir Kesem Leary, Fabio Luks, Lisa Mark, Nico Müller, Lau­rent Perret-Gentil, Kotscha Reist, Maja Rieder, Marie-Françoise Robert, Victor Sala, Car­o­line Singeisen, Dominik Stauch, Jürg Stauf­fer, Inga Stef­fens, Melissa Absarah Torres, Joshua Valentin, Jan Van Oordt, Linda Wunderlin

More infor­ma­tion

10:00 am
–12:00 pm
06:00 pm
–09:00 pm
04:00 pm
–05:00 pm
12:00 pm
–12:30 pm