Escap­ing the Dig­i­tal Unease


After 25 years of the World Wide Web it has become com­mon­place that our life also hap­pens in dig­i­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion spaces. But unease spreads in this dig­i­tal life. While we’re using prod­ucts by Apple, Amazon, Google, Face­book and find them useful and indis­pens­able, we’ve become aware of the dom­i­nance of such big play­ers. Their ser­vices form our thoughts and com­mod­ify the ideas of frien­ship and exchange. We do not surf the wild web any­more, but are fed with feeds, receiv­ing more and more of the same, based on algo­rith­mic extrap­o­la­tions of our pref­er­ences. With the social media account we rent ser­vices, which we pay with our data and atten­tion. With Edward Snowden’s dis­clo­sures aware­ness on the exces­sive gov­ern­ment-sur­veil­lence and their link to pri­vate actors has also reached a broader public.

Since the begin­ning of the web, artists have built their own spaces and chan­nels there. They have cre­ated art­works that reacted to com­mod­i­fi­ca­tion and restric­tions in a crit­i­cal way. The exhi­bi­tion presents works from over 30 artists and col­lec­tives tack­ling these topics, rais­ing aware­ness to the unease, show­ing its causes or pos­si­bil­i­tites of an escape from it. A selec­tion of books and artist pub­li­ca­tions are pre­sented in a read­ing room.

The exhi­bi­tion is accom­pa­nied by a pub­li­ca­tion with essays by Marie Lech­ner, Paul Feigelfeld, Felix Stalder and texts on all works by Raf­fael Dörig and Claire Hoff­mann, with numer­ous images (german / eng­lish, Christoph Merian Verlag), book launch 14 Octo­ber, 6.30 pm.

Aram Bartholl, Zach Blas & Jemima Wyman, James Bridle, Harm van den Dorpel, F.A.T. Lab († 2015), Olga Fedorova, Cao Fei, Elisa Gia­r­dina Papa, Féli­cien Goguey, Ben­jamin Grosser, Hack­te­ria, Adam Harvey, JODI, Christoph Wachter & Math­ias Jud, Olia Lialina, Silvio Lorusso & Sebas­t­ian Schmieg, DISNOVATION.ORG, Joana Moll & Cédric Pari­zot, The Myco­log­i­cal Twist – Leslie Kulesh / Eloïse Bon­neviot / Anne de Boer, Julian Oliver, Trevor Paglen, Tabita Rezaire, RYBN, Gordan Sav­ičić & Bengt Sjölén, Lasse Scherf­fig, Erica Scourti, Yinan Song, Peter Sunde, Maddy Varner, Angela Washko, Amy Suo Wu

Curated by Raf­fael Dörig, direc­tor Kun­sthaus Lan­gen­thal, Domenico Quar­anta und Fabio Paris,
LINK Art Center, Brescia.
In coop­er­a­tion with
Espace Mul­ti­mé­dia Gant­ner, Bourogne.

Text zur Ausstellung

The exhi­bi­tions are gen­er­ously sup­ported by:
Stiftung Jaberg Langenthal

Peter Sunde, Kopimashin, 2015, Foto: Raffael Dörig
05:30 pm
06:00 pm
10:00 am
–12:00 pm
12:00 pm
–12:30 pm


Escaping the Digital Unease

Matthias Gabi. Shot on iPhone, 2009–2017

Critial and solu­tion-ori­ented essays on media culture.

With texts by Raf­fael Dörig, Paul Feigelfeld, Claire Hoff­mann, Marie Lech­ner, Domenico Quar­anta and Felix Stalder
Exhi­bi­tion at Kun­sthaus Lan­gen­thal: Sep­tem­ber to Novem­ber 2017

144 pages, German/English
Christoph Merian Verlag, 2017

CHF 26.– + shipping
704 pages, German/English
704 col­ored images
167 x 225 mm
Jungle Books und Kun­sthaus Lan­gen­thal, 2018
ISBN: 978–3‑033–06597‑0

CHF 28 + ship­ping costs