

It is twenty years since the great days of the Gugel­mann megar­aves in Rog­g­wil, near Lan­gen­thal. It was also in 1994 that Netscape Nav­i­ga­tor 1.0 came on the market and what was then the new World Wide Web began to become pop­u­lar. Taking this look back as its start­ing point, “Megar­ave-Metar­ave” deals with artis­tic responses to the aes­thetic, social, eco­nomic and polit­i­cal ques­tions thrown up by dig­i­tal life and con­sid­ers the his­tor­i­cal traces of the futur­is­tic promises of rave cul­ture and the early web.

The exhi­bi­tion is part of the coop­er­a­tion project Megar­ave-Metar­ave by Kun­sthaus Lan­gen­thal and Wall­Riss Fribourg.

Artists at Kun­sthaus Langenthal:
Kari Alt­mann, Alan Bogana, Adam Cruces, Alek­san­dra Domanović, Con­stant Dul­laart, etoy.CORPORATION, Nico­las Fer­nan­dez, Daniel Keller, Olia Lialina / Dragan Espen­schied, Vince Mck­elvie, Lorna Mills, MSHR, Lauris Paulus, Nico­las Sas­soon, Sta­tion Rose, Rudolf Steiner, Jan Vorisek, Hannah Wein­berger, Giselle Zatonyl
& X‑Mix, Rave Flyers, THEswis­sTHING / Bar­bara Strebel

With con­tri­bu­tions by the artists Kari Alt­mann, Olia Lialina / Dragan Espen­schied, Meta­haven und MSHR and texts by Nico­las Brul­hart, Melanie Bühler, Yann Chateigné, Domenico Quar­anta, Sadie Plant, an inter­view with Mirosch Gerber and instal­la­tion views from the exhi­bi­tions. Graphic design: Huber / Sterzinger. Les presses du réel, 120 pages, E/d/f.

The exhi­bi­tions are gen­er­ously sup­ported by:
Stiftung Jaberg Langenthal

Rudolf Steiner, RAVER, 1996, Schwarzweissfotografie (Ausschnitt)
05:30 pm
07:00 pm
11:00 am
02:00 pm
–04:30 pm


Megarave – Metarave

With con­tri­bu­tions by the artists Kari Alt­mann, Olia Lialina / Dragan Espen­schied, Meta­haven und MSHR and texts by Nico­las Brul­hart, Melanie Bühler, Yann Chateigné, Domenico Quar­anta, Sadie Plant, an inter­view with Mirosch Gerber, flyers and photos from the Gugel­mann raves and instal­la­tion views from the exhibitions.

146 pages,
Kun­sthaus Lan­gen­thal, 2014

Dis­trib­uted by Les presses du réel