The­matic Day: Postgrowth

02:00 pm to 05:30 pm
Work­shop with Offcut Bern, guided tour and book pre­sen­ta­tion with, panel dis­cus­sion with Degrowth Switzer­land and Count­down 2030, fol­lowed by aperitif. 

14.00–17.00 h
Sus­tain­ably inspired. Work­shop for chil­dren and adults with Mar­i­ann Oppliger from Offcut Bern (from 2 yrs with accom­pa­ni­ment, from 6 yrs with­out accompaniment).

Offcut col­lects and sells used and left­over mate­ri­als in mate­r­ial mar­kets in five Swiss cities. Offcut stands for a play­ful approach to resource con­ser­va­tion and is a prac­ti­cal exam­ple of cir­cu­lar economy.
As a start­ing point for the work­shop, there are “trea­sure chests” of mate­r­ial from Offcut Bern. After select­ing and explor­ing the mate­r­ial con­tained, ideas will be devel­oped, small projects realised, large projects will be planned or you can “just” play with the mate­r­ial, install it, fan­ta­sise about it – depend­ing on your abil­i­ties, skills and interests.

14.00–15.00 h
Guided tour with

Maria Roszkowska and Nico­las Mai­gret from will guide you through their exhibition.

15.15–15.30 h
Book pre­sen­ta­tion: A Bes­tiary of the Anthropocene

Maria Roszkowska from talks about the making of the book, con­ceived together with design researcher Nico­las Nova, which presents our post-nat­ural soci­ety in 60 indi­vid­ual por­traits rang­ing from antenna trees to cloud inoc­u­la­tion. The pub­li­ca­tion has just been pub­lished in German trans­la­tion by Matthes & Seitz Berlin.

15.45–16.30 h
Panel dis­cus­sion with Degrowth Switzer­land and Count­down 2030

Degrowth Switzer­land is an organ­i­sa­tion that aims to pro­mote the debate on post-growth in Switzer­land. Its vision is a socio-eco­log­i­cally bal­anced and growth-inde­pen­dent Switzer­land and a sus­tain­able econ­omy that enables a good life for all.
Count­down 2030 is an asso­ci­a­tion of archi­tects who want to raise aware­ness of the impact of their work on cli­mate change. Their vision is a future-ori­ented build­ing cul­ture that enables a sus­tain­able life.
Par­tic­i­pants are Hans-Chris­t­ian Rufer, archi­tect and member of Count­down 2030 and Dr. Leonard Creutzburg, eco­nomic geo­g­ra­pher and co-founder of Degrowth Switzerland.
Fol­lowed by aperitif.

Event in Eng­lish, Work­shop in D/E/F.