a curb­ing wall of debris­land­fill­ing. Pedro Wirz




The Brazil­ian-Swiss artist Pedro Wirz (*1981) presents his largest solo exhi­bi­tion to date, a curb­ing wall of debris, in two chap­ters: nest­ing at the Centre cul­turel suisse and land­fill­ing at Kun­sthaus Lan­gen­thal. The arti­fi­cial meets the seem­ingly nat­ural. Using mate­ri­als such as soil, beeswax and fabric, Wirz cre­ates immer­sive spa­tial instal­la­tions com­posed of eggs, ani­mals and their dwellings. Doing so he encour­ages us to exam­ine the rela­tion­ship between human and non-human organ­isms and ecosys­tems, as referred to in the titles of the respec­tive chap­ters of the exhibition.

Curated by Raf­fael Dörig, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Centre cul­turel suisse (CCS), Paris.


The metaphor of the per­fo­rated house sym­bol­ises the dis­solv­ing sep­a­ra­tion between exte­rior and inte­rior, pri­vate and public, and ana­logue and dig­i­tal life brought about by new forms of com­mu­ni­ca­tion and mobil­ity. This con­tem­po­rary home­less­ness is touched upon in many ways in the works Anja Braun (*1985), Leo Hoff­mann (*1986), Daniel V. Keller (*1987), Lynne Kouassi (*1991) & Daniel Dres­sel (*1985) and Rebecca Kunz (*1986); whether in the ephemer­al­ity of the media and mate­ri­als used, the atmos­pheric pre­sen­ta­tion or in address­ing topics such as hos­pi­tal­ity, pat­terns of migra­tion and the global con­sump­tion of resources. 

Curated by Eva-Maria Knüsel.

The exhi­bi­tions are gen­er­ously sup­ported by:

Basel-Stadt Kultur

John­son Stiftung

HSML Stiftung


Kul­turs­tiftung des Kan­tons Thurgau

Ingold Baum Kultur


Pedro Wirz, a curbing wall of debrislandfilling, 2019. Ausstellungsansicht Kunsthaus Langenthal, Foto: Martina Flury Witschi, Courtesy of the Artist
06:00 pm
–12:00 am
07:00 pm
12:00 pm
–12:30 pm
10:00 am
–12:00 pm