Aeschlimann Corti-Stipendium 2022
The Aeschlimann Corti-Scholarship of the Bernese Art Society BKG is the most important private scholarship forvisual artists in Switzerland. Participation is open to artist until the age of 40 who live at least since one year in the canton of Berne or who are citizen of a community in the canton Berne. The exhibition at the Kunsthaus Langenthal shows the selected and award winning works of the competition in 2022.
With: Olivia Abächerli, Livio Baumgartner, Angela Cerullo & Giorgio Bloch, Laura Grubenmann, Christoph Gugger, Tobias Hauswirth, Sabine Hertig, Jan Hostettler, Lynne Kouassi, Sapir Kesem Leary, Natalie Reusser, Sabrina Rothlisberger, Lorenzo Salafia, Ines Marita Schärer, Jennifer Merlyn Scherler, Sina Schöpf,Marius Steiger, Sereina Steinemann, Anouk Tschanz, Julia Znoj
Lorenzo Salafia (*1983), lives in Solothurn and works in Bern (CHF 20’000).
Olivia Abächerli (*1992), lives and works in Bern (CHF 10,000)
Livio Baumgartner (*1982), lives and works in Zurich (CHF 10,000)
Julia Znoj (*1990), lives and works in Zurich (CHF 10,000)
Katrin Sperry, Chair
Raffael Dörig, Director Kunsthaus Langenthal
Katrin Weilenmann, Member of the Board of the Bernese Art Society BKG,
art historian
Gabriela Gerber, artist
Christian Gonzenbach, artist