Franziska Baum­gart­ner. Bis sich Blasen bilden


Franziska Baumgartner’s (*1987) artis­tic prac­tice has its origin in the exper­i­men­tal use of volatile and change­able mate­ri­als found in mechan­i­cal and every­day devices. She is inter­ested in phys­i­cal qual­i­ties like mag­net­ism, con­duc­tiv­ity, and bind­ing capac­ity, as well as the trans­for­ma­tion of ali­men­tary prod­ucts through cul­tural prac­tices like fer­men­ta­tion, mol­e­c­u­lar cook­ing, and the pro­duc­tion of bioplastic.

In the result­ing instal­la­tions and sound and video works, she com­bines ana­logue and dig­i­tal image media for the pro­duc­tion of image and sound – at times based on random processes, at others tightly con­trolled. Kun­sthaus Lan­gen­thal presents her first insti­tu­tional solo exhi­bi­tion, for which Baum­gart­ner devel­oped new site-spe­cific works.

Franziska Baumgartner, Studien 2021/22, Installationsansicht Kunsthaus Langenthal Foto: CE, Courtesy of the artist