Hunter Longe

Var­i­ous Lam­bent Portals


Sculp­tures made of fos­sils, solar cells that gen­er­ate sound, and videos based on dreams: Hunter Longe (*1985 in Cal­i­for­nia, lives in Geneva) has devel­oped an extra­or­di­nary, inde­pen­dent oeuvre in recent years, which is now being shown for the first time in a large insti­tu­tional solo exhi­bi­tion at Kun­sthaus Lan­gen­thal. For this, the artist is devel­op­ing an atmos­pheric over­all instal­la­tion of small sculp­tures, draw­ings, video works as well as light and sound inter­ven­tions. He invites us to pass through “Var­i­ous Lam­bent Por­tals” and jour­ney through unimag­in­ably vast peri­ods of the earth’s his­tory. Often using par­tic­u­lar min­er­als and stones in his work, the past is quite lit­er­ally brought into the present. For exam­ple, gypsum crys­tals and lime appear — min­er­als that are relics of primeval seas and their inhab­i­tants, but also omnipresent today as build­ing mate­ri­als. Longe’s art­works tell of the his­tory of sci­ence while anachro­nis­ti­cally evok­ing pos­si­ble futures through their unusual mate­r­ial com­bi­na­tions and their spec­u­la­tive character.

Exhi­bi­tion Text

The exhi­bi­tion is gen­er­ously sup­ported by:

Pro Hel­ve­tia
République et canton de Genève
Ville de Genève
Landis&Gyr Stiftung
Ernst Göhner Stiftung
Société des arts de Genève
Fon­da­tion Oertli Stiftung


Hunter Longe, Relic of an Evaporated Sea IX, 2023, Courtesy of the artist
12:00 pm
–12:30 pm
04:00 pm
10:00 am
–12:00 pm
02:00 pm
–03:00 pm